Water and the Elements

Course Summary

Restoring the healthy ecosystem of your own body requires you to reconnect to all the natural elements and resources available inside of you.

In this course, you will reconnect to the elements of Water, Soil, Fire, and Air, in your body individually, and how they interact with one another in the ecosystem inside of you, and the greater web of life that is the ecosystem of our Planet.

Water needs healthy, aerated soil in order to hold it and allow it to seep into your roots and nourish you. You need to reignite your inner fire, and draw the air of your breath throughout your body to fuel your fires, keeping them warm and burning to sustain your dreams and desires.

You need all of these elements, and they need to be in balance and harmony with one another for the ecosystem of your body to be functioning at its natural state of wellness and wholeness.  

Thank you to Water Keeper Stephanie Allen who provided her sound healing gifts as part of this Course.

Course Curriculum

Elizabeth Gutierrez

Course Pricing

Water and the Elements

